Our Philosophy

To err is human…
It’s unintentional & inevitable.
It’s very human & beautiful.
It’s Awesome & Authentic.

When customers make a mistake, they often blame your business for things going wrong. Niggling pain points often caused by customer mistakes come in the way of the beautiful experience that you have curated so lovingly. Customer errors are unintentional, inevitable, and obscure. 

We are obsessed with customer complaints. Since 2018, customer complaints and hidden customer mistakes have mesmerised us. We have delved deep into the context in which errors occur that result in heaps of customer complaints. We have analysed thousands of customer complaints and talked to folks in CX and service landscapes (front and back of stage) across several industries to come up with a framework for categorising customer errors. We have learnt how value is co-created or co-destroyed. These learnings are at the heart of the training and consulting we provide. 

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